Ian on waterslide



Alicia on deck


On the Ship

Alicia on the first day of the cruise San Juan, PR from the ship San Juan, PR from the ship
San Juan, PR from the ship San Juan, PR from the ship San Juan, PR from the ship
San Juan, PR from the ship Alicia on the water slide Ian on the water slide
Ian on the water slide Ian on the water slide Alicia on the water slide
Ian on the water slide Ian on the water slide Alicia on the water slide
Ian and Alicia at dinner Ian and Alicia at dinner Ian with towel elephant
Alicia with Towel Elephant Rainbow Rainbow
St. Lucia St. Lucia Ian
St. Lucia Ian with towel bear Alicia with towel bear
Sunset over St. Lucia St. Lucia St. Lucia
Sparkling wine on our bealcony Towel Frog
Ian on waterslide Towel Monkey, that funky monkey Alicia on deck


